Saturday, February 2, 2019

Wildlife Just Off the Bow

Day 258  |  Punta Gorda    

At the marina this morning was a swap meet/yard sale. I picked up a brand new 12x34 fender to match one that we currently swap from side to side as needed. It will be nice to have two BFFs (Big Freakin' Fender) onboard. I carried it back to Crossroads as Barry returned our rental van. I eagerly pulled my new chair out onto Fiberglass Beach and enjoyed another sunny day. Boats of all sizes were coming and going just off our port side. It was interesting to watch the combination of boat size and outboard size -- from a single 225hp weighing down a tiny boat to twin 400s on a slightly larger boat -- as folks came in for lunch at the marina's restaurant. Larger motor yachts were also moving, taking advantage of an almost perfect 80-degree day.

I finished one book and started on another while keeping my eyes on all the activity going on around me. Pelicans flew high overhead and then dipped down and glided inches from the water. During our time here, I've noticed that one particular bird has laid claim to our port bow piling and spends quite a bit of time airing out his wings and even taking a snooze. Later in the afternoon he just stood watching with his right foot bent over in a cute little pose. Its bright green eyes were captivating.

The highlight of the day was definitely the show put on by a pair of dolphins just off our bow. I spotted two dorsal fins moving in quietly and gracefully from Charlotte Harbor. That tranquility was soon replaced by a splashing commotion. I grabbed the camera just in time to catch a fish fleeing upward from its spot in the buffet line. The dolphin continued to feed successfully for several additional minutes before heading back to open water with a fuller stomachs.

We ended the day with a walk of the docks and stopped to visit with Carol and Jim on their beautiful 57-foot Selene, Excalibur. Their basset hound was very receptive of all the ear scratches I had saved up in my fingers, just waiting for some canine time. The drool and licks were a pretty indication that I still have a pretty good touch.

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