Saturday, February 22, 2020

Taking It Slow During The Blow

Great Harbour Cay  

We awoke to the sound of wind whipping through the marina. Barry took a morning tour of the docks while I restocked our cabinets with inventory stored in the settee and commissary. Almost on cue as I prepared to go for my walk, the clouds emptied. Several squalls passed through over the next few hours. I retreated to the pilothouse to read and watch the weather change. To our stern the marina's Bahamian flag flew stiffly from the flagpole in gusts around 25 knots. Barry helped a few boats with electronic issues and got us, Pete, Fernando, and Judy all talking together on the internet. Pete shared one of his photo's taken from yesterday's trip to the cave and I sent several back to them. It is always interesting to see how five different people with five different phones capture the same scene so differently. Once the rain stopped, Barry pumped out all the standing water from the dinghy.

Everyone was anxious to leave the dry shelter of their boats and people congregated on the docks. Dogs needed to be "walked." A few kids cast their fishing lines into the water. Soon we heard cries of excitement as the kids had spotted a manatee swimming two slips down. It stayed only briefly before swimming back into Bullock's Harbour. The sky cleared, but the wrapped flag provided evidence of the day's stiff and swirling winds. We met Pete, Fernando, and Judy at 5:30 and headed to Sunset Rock for the evening show. I thought it was chilly and broke out the jeans and long sleeved shirt. All watched the sun drop behind a cloud bank as we took more photos. On the way back to the marina we walked down to a small sandy beach and did more of the same. Back onboard we prepared scallops for dinner then settled in to watch a movie.

We will be here one more day and try once again to get in a morning walk on the beach.

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