Thursday, February 27, 2020

The Sun Sets on This Stop Along the Way

Great Harbour Cay  

A cold front moved through overnight and gave us a bit of a bumpy ride with its associated squalls. Between raindrops dancing on the roof to our fenders squeaking against the dock and a little bounce from wind-driven waves, sleep was not deep. We awoke at 6:00 to help establish a departure time for tomorrow. At what point will we have enough light to exit the slip and make our way through the crowded anchorage? With so many boats on the hook, there is no longer a defined channel to attempt leaving in darkness. This morning, we even had a boat anchored just off the outer slips.

Today was all about preparing for departure. I vacuumed, cleaned the bathroom and refrigerator, worked on inventories and shopping lists, did a load of laundry, and made another trip into the commissary. Why is what I need always in the back? Pete came over and he and Barry reviewed our route and also possible future stops. With a gusty north wind and heavy cloud cover, it was chilly. Most folks donned sweatshirts or jackets. Even inside while reading in the pilothouse I had on a long-sleeved T-shirt and SOCKS. Oh, my! In between showers, we put the dinghy back on the roof and removed the sunshades for traveling.

Thursday is Pizza Night at the marina. We missed out on it last week, but put our name on Hector's list this morning. As everyone milled about awaiting the pizza delivery, the clouds broke just enough for a nice sunset. Pete joined us for supper, but we all called it an early evening. It will be early to bed for all tonight.

There will be a mad dash out of here in the morning. It seems every boat will be untying lines at daybreak. It has been a nice stay here. Everyone has been super-friendly and I've loved the walks on the beach. Tomorrow night we'll be in Nassau -- another stop closer to our destination.

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