Sunday, February 18, 2024

Somethin' In A Sunday


I rose before the sun and planned my morning with great intentions and anticipation. My legs were stiff from yesterday's inactivity, so I got my stretches done. I had breakfast and put on my cleanest dirty sweatshirt. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. The tune of Johnny Cash's Sunday Mornin Coming Down was cycling on repeat in my head. I planned my walking route on the sleepin' city sidewalks. I would pass by the 10:00 service at the Methodist church first and the 11:00 service at the Baptist church later in order to listen to the songs they were singin'. If I was lucky, I might even catch the smell of someone's fryin' chicken at one of the many restaurants in town. I then stepped outside to meet the day and everything changed. It was just plain cold, with the wind chill in the mid 30s. This is the very reason we have been trying to get south. I flat-out do not like being cold. On to Plan B. I worked on some pro bono graphics projects and found a couple ball games to watch. I rolled up all the shades and let as much muted natural light in as possible. There was some boat traffic today. Their motors echoed through the creek like the disappearin' dreams of yesterday.

Barry got back to the boat around 3:30 and proceeded to take a nap after his solo 4.5 hour drive under a gray sky. I became fixated on the computer screen and was late checking on the sunset. The bright pinks and purples were a wonderful surprise. Barry brought back our travel guides and we hope to get out and explore tomorrow. Checking the weather, its supposed to be mostly sunny, high in the low 50s, but the wind will be gusting 30 ... again. I am hoping Come Monday, It Will Be Alright; but it could very well be a Manic Monday. We will just wait and see.

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