Sunday, May 8, 2022

Who Turned Off The Heat?


I awoke around my usual time of 6:00 am, and knew immediately that something was drastically different. Who turned off the heat? It was downright cold in the master. True, the thermometer on the wall read 60 degrees. Compared to my preferred warm sun of The Bahamas, however, I could have very well be in Antarctica. I made my way up to the pilothouse to survey the scene. There was no chance of a scenic sunrise today. A light drizzle was falling, the wind was blowing, and a patchy fog settled over the anchorage. I grabbed a blanket and checked my phone for the latest news and daily check-ins. The sky lightened a bit, but overall improvement was minimal. I decided I had to do the unthinkable -- into the bowels of Crossroads I went to pull out some winter clothes. By the time my church service came on at 10:00 I was bundled in wool socks, ColdGear tights, sweatpants, a long sleeved T shirt, and hoodie. I closely resembled the multi-layered version of myself during our January stopover here in Belhaven. The afternoon was spent cleaning up some computer files and working on a project I've had on my list since I retired four years ago. Barry did his best to catch up on all the episodes of NCIS. As evening neared, the fog had moved out and the rain stopped. As an excuse to get off the boat, I volunteered to bail out the dinghy. Last night's heavy rain filled it with about three inches of water. We are holding out hope that in the next day or so we can get back to shore and stretch our legs. We have survived Day One of this Nor'easter delay. We'll see what Day Two has in store for us tomorrow.    

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