Saturday, January 13, 2024

When Barry's Away, I Will ... Clean House


With Barry at our house, I had Crossroads to myself this morning. I have always used times like this to clean, and today was no exception. Motivation was strong and I jumped right into the usual routine of dusting and vacuuming, bottom to top, bow to stern. I even removed the floorboards and gave the bilge a good scrubbing. By noon, I was ready for a break and enjoyed watching the Heels play some high-level ball. After the first 10 minutes, the game was a runaway and I turned to social media for a diversion. Several videos were posted showing the unfortunate damage sustained to boats at the Charleston Megadock the same evening of our mishap. The sailboat pictured was tied stern to the waves, took a beating, and was swamped before breaking free and eventually crashing into the dock. Such a sad ending to a wonderful vessel. By comparison, we were indeed quite fortunate. The Hoos and the Deacs tipped off at 2:00. Uncle Bennet and I had exchanged a bit of trash talk in the morning, but nothing as foul as the game was. Fresh pictures of the Bahamas brightened my mood and got me refocused on the end game. No time for the blues as we still have dreams of those Bahamian blues. Barry sent me a photo of our replacement solar panel loaded in his Escape. He was doing laundry and will head back to Beaufort first thing in the morning.  

It was a cold and breezy day so I stayed inside where it was warm. Friends Fernando and Judy called to report that they were in Southport waiting for the water to return to the ICW. The strong winds had blown out about two feet of water, rendering it too shallow for passage. I continued to clean upstairs while also watching football until the evening's light show began. Several times I went out to the dock, convinced that it was a nice enough shot. The colors continued to develop into a very vibrant display. Once again, the clouds seemed to line up with the bridge span. I'll add the final shot to the collection of great Beaufort sunsets.

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