Thursday, October 4, 2018

Lake Rules Do Apply

Day 137  | Ft. Heiman Cove (KY) to New Johnsonville (TN)   |  4.4 Hours  |  30 Miles 

Our perfect little anchorage at Ft. Heiman Cove had no internet service, so yesterday's blog entry was postponed until this morning. The anchor came up clean and we were on our way without delay. As soon as we re-entered Kentucky Lake, we crossed into Tennessee (our 12th state) and our internet service returned. I settled into my corner of the pilothouse and quickly took care of business.

One of the "games" Barry and I play when underway is "Name that Tune, Title and Artist." Bonus points are awarded for knowing the lyrics. Today's radio station played an eclectic mix -- 60s through 90s --- with many one hit wonders to stump us. While trying to confirm my guesses for Heart and Soul, the dreaded "No Service" warning appeared once again on my phone. We had to wait until docked to find the answer was T'Pau (I had wrongly guessed Roxette, but did know the words).

We turned our attention back to nature and enjoyed the white pelicans that followed us for a while. Kentucky Lake has a deep, but narrow main channel that shallows quickly. Trees seem to grow from the middle of the water.

We met up with the Danville-Faxon Ferry before reaching the former Old Nashville & Louisville Railroad Bridge. The center span has been removed, leaving a Ghost Town appearance when passing the bridge to nowhere.

An abandoned dock is just upriver of the above bridge, and is more evidence of the towns flooded in creation of this lake. We reached our destination of Pebble Isle Marina around noon and pulled up to the fuel dock where we took on 428 gallons of diesel. We then relocated to the transient dock and settled in to enjoy another beautiful afternoon with temperatures in the 90s. We checked out the marina's courtesy van and went with Sandy (Koastal Karma) to Walmart for a few things. We were badly in need of bottled water. The recent unexpectedly hot days had dwindled our supply.

We joined four other Looper crews (Babe, Felix, Koastal Karma, and Phanthom) for dinner at the marina restaurant. The "Lake Rules" sign on the door definitely applies.

We will stay here tomorrow and see how well we can follow the Lake Rules. We have a bit of boat maintenance to do and then will get in a walk. We'll see how many others we can check off the list.

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