Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Sunshine, Palms, and Projects

Day 227  |  Palmetto   

A bright sunny morning beckoned us off Crossroads for our walk. We noticed a few new things along our path this morning, including the coconuts atop this palm tree. There was one laying at the trunk and we tossed it around and gave it a good inspection. There are two distinct species of palm trees on the property and I'm looking forward to learning more about them soon. First though, we had more chores and projects to check off the list. Barry changed a hose on the engine that had showed signs of deterioration. I finished unpacking and stowed our suitcases, extra tote bags, and an accumulated abundance of Cheerios, wine, and paper towels in their proper places under the floor boards. Barry updated an engine room light fixture to LED bulbs and then completed the same upgrade on our exterior lights. We didn't get the remote control unit hooked up today, but that will follow soon. It will be nice having the ability to turn on the lights as we approach for boarding in the dark.

Barry went shopping for the lag bolts and epoxy required to install new dinghy chocks on the upper deck. While he was gone, I completed one book while soaking up some rays on Fiberglass Beach. We made another lap on our walking path as the sun set beyond the palms. Following an onboard dinner of salmon and salad, it was sufficiently dark enough to test our new lights. All looks good.

Tomorrow we hope to make good progress on the chock project before showers roll in on Friday. Our goal is to complete all of our projects and then explore the surrounding area for a few days.

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