Sunday, April 14, 2019

Making the Cut

Day 329  |  Glass Window to Meeks Patch  |  3.6 Hours  |  21 Miles

After a rolly night, we took the morning slow and timed our departure to go along with favorable tides. We put the two rocks behind us and took one final look at the Glass Window as we headed north. This morning we could see a few waves breaking on the Atlantic side, but there still was minimal wash-through. I stole the picture on the right from the internet to show what an active day looks like.

On our preferred travel path we would have put us in a beam sea, so we went out a bit further then cut back in to give us a smoother ride. Along the way we saw a sea turtle swimming just off our port side. I streamed the Palm Sunday service from my family's church in NC. I'm really missing our traditional Easter week activities, but the phone calls, texts, and strong wifi are helping. The colors of the water were vivid and distinctive close to shore. We arrived at our first waypoint -- Current Cut -- right on time at 11:00.

Current Cut is a narrow channel that runs between Current Island and Eleuthera's Current Settlement. A strong, fast-moving current that reaches up to 10 knots can make the pass very interesting. We timed our passage to be close to slack tide. There was minimal wave action, but we still had almost four knots of current "helping" us through. Once on the "other side" we set a course to the west side of Meeks Patch and dropped anchor just as a squall was moving through. Later in the afternoon, all the boats around us began relocating to the east side of the island. We pulled up the hook and joined in the exodus parade. It is much calmer on this side and we're looking forward to a restful night. We have a short two-mile trip tomorrow to get to Spanish Wells Yacht Haven where we will spend several nights and have the opportunity to visit with some extended family.

We haven't been in a marina in over a month. In the morning we'll have to stow the anchor bridle and reset the docklines and fenders. It will be a nice change to be able to quickly hop on and off and easily enjoy walking around Spanish Wells.

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