Monday, July 16, 2018

Change of Plans

Day 57  |  Trenton  

We've been blessed with a long stretch of good weather, with cool clear mornings that warm up nicely in the afternoon. Locals tell me that it is unseasonably warm. For me, it is no hotter than being at home so its perfectly fine. My motto is "rather be hot than cold any day." Due to our recent history, the dense fog this morning took us by complete surprise.

Shortly after last night's posting Barry and I made the decision that he would be returning to Richmond for a visit. His dad has been in and out of the hospital and rehab facilities for the entirety of our trip. Although they speak on the phone several times a day, its not like being there. Once we leave here and enter the Trent-Severn Waterway, the two week passage has limited options for such a trip. Our current home, Trent Port Marina, is a wonderful facility and we felt comfortable with me staying on Crossroads for a few days. It didn't take long to make the shuttle bus and plane reservations (thanks to the marina's strong wifi) and print out the boarding passes. He packed a few things and grabbed his passport and was ready to go this morning.

We had to walk about 1.5 miles to the bus stop. The heavy fog and warm temperature made sure that both of us were soaking wet by the time he was picked up. I watched the bus pull off on its way to the Toronto airport, then made my return trip to Crossroads. Barry was home by 6:00, after a short layover in Charlotte. As is customary, he made another donation to the TSA's pocket knife collection. He will go see his dad tomorrow morning.

I have prepared a list of chores to keep me busy in his absence. Today was laundry day and I did four loads including regular clothes, towels, sheets and our quilt. It was interesting to hang out in the boaters lounge for most of the day and meet folks as they passed through -- some to use the showers, some for laundry, some to just sit in the air conditioning. The marina has three sets of washers and dryers available at no charge. They even provide the Tide pods and dryer sheets. Definitely a nice perk.

Tomorrow should be clear and sunny once again so I plan to do a bit more waxing. I also need to walk into town and get Barry a new pocket knife. I make no promises after that. I have to pace myself.

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