Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Wax On, Wax Off

Day 58  |  Trenton  

It was a beautiful day in Trenton -- blue sky, white clouds, sunshine, 80 degrees, low humidity, nice breeze. I started washing and waxing around 9:00 and worked until 1:00 when my shoulders were too sore to continue. The remainder of the job will wait for another day. Crossroads is looking good, but the best part is she's feeling good too. Gone is the chalky oxidation, replaced by a new layer of polished smoothness.

I grabbed a new book and headed to Fiberglass Beach for a while. The first 60 pages have gone by quickly and easily. I am excited to pick it back up tomorrow. Its good to have a page-turner. A new batch of Loopers began filing into the transient slips by late afternoon. I showered and then went for a walk around the marina. A gaggle of Canada geese blocked the main walkway to the marina office. Wary of these mean creatures, I passed with caution as one of the adults hissed at me like a snake. After successfully navigating the geese, I walked the docks to see if I recognized any of the Looper boats. We have not met up before with any in this group. I spent a few minutes speaking with a couple from Ft. Meyers, FL, before settling into a waterside adirondack chair for a few texts, videos, phone calls, and some people-watching.

Barry reported in on his day in Richmond. He visited with his dad on two occasions and then picked up a new tablet for his dad to use while at the rehab center. Barry's challenge in the next two days -- and one that he'll enjoy -- is to get the tablet all set up with apps, shortcuts, and passwords.

Back aboard Crossroads, I had dinner, cleaned up, and the watched the sun set over the marina from the pilot house. Tomorrow's high will only be in the low-to-mid 70s. I plan to get in a good walk and pick up a few things at the hardware store along the way.

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