Sunday, March 13, 2022

Springing Forward

Rock Sound 

A muted color palette and the change to Daylight Savings Time made for a surreal morning. I have become accustomed to waking with the sun and making my way to the pilothouse to watch the sunrise. Today, not only was the sun still far below the horizon at the new 6:00, it never emerged from the heavy cloud cover all day. Everything was running one hour late and by the time I finished breakfast, it was time to settle in and stream my church service. The activity in Rock Sound also got off to a slow start. By late morning though, the supply boat had arrived at the government dock and workers continued to dredge alongside the town dock. All 50-some boats in the anchorage had been expecting gusty winds and only one dinghy had ventured to shore.

Thing is, as of this posting, the gusts have yet to approach the predicted 40+ knots. The wind has clocked around as forecasted and are back to the prevailing easterlies that we expect this time of year. The only visible sign of the passing front was the cloudiness of the water. Last week, we could see our anchor 15-feet down through crystal clear water. Today, white sand suspended in the same water gave it a translucent appearance. The afternoon was spent trying to stay busy. I took advantage of good internet to catch up on a my Sugar Slayers course material. Barry found enough on Netflix to keep him occupied and happy. I did an hour of yoga followed by a 45-minute workout. I cleaned out a cabinet and found a few bubble wands that we've been carrying around for several years. They were an instant mood enhancer! You can't have a gloomy mood when you have bubbles. It looks like the wind and seas will calm down significantly by tomorrow afternoon. We'll finalize (for the moment at least) plans tomorrow and look to spring forward out of here and head south to explore some more new areas.

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