Sunday, April 3, 2022

Sun Day Fun Day

Warderick Wells  

I admit that it is hard at times to keep track of what day it is. Now, without the luxury of cell and internet service here in the Land & Sea Park, it is even tougher. There are no social media clues to keep us on track. There was no Facebook notification to join in on the Home Church livestream. Eventually, we figure it out and aim, once again, to have a sun day fun day. The early high tide is slipping later each day so we took the morning hours slow and prepared to go exploring after lunch. While onboard, a small choir of birds serenaded us from atop our outboard. They sang loudly and with fervor. We both did some reading. Yes, Barry has picked up a book and is making good progress. While I was on the bow, the friendly neighborhood turtle made several appearances. As I studied his habits, I learned that when he surfaced he always takes three breaths of air before diving down to the seagrass. After lunch, we hopped in the dinghy and made our way south to the Emerald Rock area. Tabebuia Beach was our landing site. 

We cut across the island and over the muddy Open Gray Flats to reach Bullion Beach. Seeing the blues of the water appear over the crest of the hill never gets old.

The Sound was calm and we enjoyed walking in the gentle lapping of the waves on the shore's soft, clean sand. Taking a rest on the rocks wasn't too bad either. 

We explored two coves then retraced our steps back to Tabebuia Beach. Buttonwood Trail took us past the freaky skeleton spines of the silver buttonwood and was quite rocky. We enjoyed the view from the top before turning around.

One final sign pointed out the Sahara Desert Trailhead. This sandy path took us around the point to the beautiful little cove of Emerald Beach. It was actually bordering on hot today and we had consumed all of our water rations. Back to Crossroads we went.

At low tide and slack current I dropped the paddle board in the water and had fun pursuing the turtles and rays. In the shallows, I used the board as a seat to check out the coral heads. I even caught a picture of a bull shark and several little silver fish swimming beneath me. We will leave the Warderick Wells mooring field in the morning and go north a bit to Shroud Cay. We will still be in the Exuma Cays Land & Sea Park and our cellular connection will still be spotty. 

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